Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000147_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 12 20:30:51 1997.msg
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From: Keith Hill <Braneloc@mirex.demon.co.uk>
To: giark@hicksville.dyn.ml.org
Cc: amos-list@access.digex.net
Subject: Re: Cheats? (fwd)
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To the one known as Mr.,
> >*** Forwarded message, originally written by Garfield Benjamin on 12-Nov-97
> > What "cheats" do you want each to stage to support?
> > I can easily give you invincibility, unlimited destructors, max
> > firepower and Phase-warping (ie. start at Phase3 instead of Phase1).
> > Invincibility and Phase-warping have been implemented for some time
> > as they are a great aid in development and testing...
> > Are these four cheats enough?
> Well, we need invulnerable, infinite ammo, infinite shields, so far. Any ones
> you want to put in after that, just let me know what the flags are called so I
> can add codes to the menu to activate the cheats.
Ok, well, since phase warping is wanted, phase warping you shall have. Invoke
the variable H_WAVE, with the wave number you want, and the level shall skip
to the predeclared wave number. For 'cheat' purposes, level numbering starts at
zero. Oh yeah, make sure this one is positive...
_ _ _ _ _ _ | "Four thousand six hundred and
|_> |_| |_| |\ | |_ | | | / | | ninety-one irradiated haggis"
|_> | \ | | | \| |_ |_ |_| \_ . | - A J Rimmer
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